Le Facade, D.A.M. Magazine's fashion show, will feature designs by fashion designers, Sohung Designs and ODP Couture. Yours truly has had the pleasure of interviewing them personally. Sooooo... since I'm currently the fashion section's feature writer, It would be nice of me to come since I've never actually met the people I've been writing for these past (Nov..dec..jan...feb....) eight months.
Did You Know?.....DJ CagedBird has never been to New York.
::Looks Around::
I know! I know! Don't get your panties all in a bunch!!
No, I've never been. Although, sometimes, I think that's why I didn't get that coveted mark. College Program Internship position. I mean my interview was virtually flawless except for when I gave her the " 'Oh No She Didn't!' Forbidden Answer" to the Top Most Sacred of Fashionista Questions: Have you ever been to New York?
My answer: "Uh...well no I haven't.....b-b-but I am VERY GOOD with directions and getting around the city will most definitely not be a problem." (It wasn't exactly a lie.)
Enough of your judgemental eyes! Anyway I am going to need to grace the big apple with my presence in top form and fabulosity, which means I will need to go shopping. And no, not a regular, "I don't know what I'm looking for" shopping trip. It has to be THE SHOPPING TRIP TO TOP ALL SHOPPING TRIPS.
[Epic music starts to play]
[Birds start to fly off]
My dad suggested that I arrive a few days early to go shopping which is a smart idea, but I need money. Another thing is, where am I going to get this money? I live in the WORST STATE in the country. I have been trying to find a job for the past 4 years. I absolutely HATE depending on other people for money, which is why my main goal for the trip was for it to be funded entirely from my own hard earned money( Which you bet your sweet ass I was going to bust my butt for)... But it seems the heavens have something on the contrary planned for me as my tireless efforts to find a job have been trounced by constant reporting of the national unemployment rate which is currently 9.4%, and in Michigan the current rate is 12.9%. You tell me the chance that I will be able to find a job.
Don't even get me started on my search for an apartment, which comes a mighty close ass second to the job search goal.
I need to start thinking about what I'm going to wear to the fashion show. Recently, I've been looking through the pages of fashion magazines and fashion books to compose a set of ideal looks I want to incorporate into my wardrobe. Most of these clothes will be new. Some of them will follow trends. Others may not.
That also means I will need to find some money to buy these clothes. ::sigh:: amid frantically searching for a new apartment.
You know...
It's times like this when people tell me I'm trying to do too much. I just ignore those people. I have too much living to do in life.
This concludes Part One of this four part blog post.
Coming Soon to (hopefully) an Apple Computer near you:

Can DJ_CagedBird resolve all of her problems before her anticipated trip to N.Y.C.? Or will all of her hopes and wished be trounced?
Which will she find first? An Apartment or A Job?
Will she be able to pull it off?
Catch the answer to these questions and more when you tune in next time to
"What I'm Wearing... hopefully"
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