Deny yourself (Part One)
Just what does that mean.....DENY YOURSELF?
Ever heard of a "leap of faith", or "stepping out on faith"? Have you ever heard someone say they were going to take a risk on something they were afraid to do simply because they did not know what would happen?
Men claim all-you-can-eat buffet banned them for eating all they could eat
- 8:37 AM CST, January 3, 2008
HOUMA, La. -
Associated Press
A 265-pound man says a restaurant overcharged him for his trips to the buffet, then banned him and a relative because of how much they consumed during their visits.
"She says, 'Y'all fat, and y'all eat too much,'" Labit said.
Labit and Borrelli said they felt discriminated against because of their size.
"I was stunned, that somebody would say something like that. I ain't that fat, I only weigh 277," Borrelli said.
Accountant Thomas Campo, who spoke for the restaurant because the owner's English is limited, said the men were charged an extra $10 each on Dec. 21 because they made a habit of dining exclusively on the more expensive seafood dishes, including crab legs and frog legs.
"We have a lot of big people there," Campo said. "We don't discriminate."
The argument over the bill grew heated, and police were called. The police report states that the disagreement was settled when the restaurant said the bill was a mistake and, to appease Labit, the meal was complimentary.
Labit said he insisted on paying but was told not to come back. He complained that when seafood on the buffet line runs out, the restaurant only grudgingly cooks more. Campo said the proprietress tries to reduce waste of quality food.
WOW. ALL- YOU -CAN -EAT IS NO LONGER ALL- YOU -CAN -EAT? This is jacked up. I mean this defeats the purpose of being an all you can eat buffet. Sure there will be a little more food to serve, but personally, those people should have not been over charged and banned.
New Year, Fresh Start, Reliving Life
Part 2
I didn't think it would be fair to offer you advice about New Year resolutions without at least giving you the best of examples, My own.
1. I have to see my boyfriend Dezvon more because ...well i just have to; thats my baby.

2. Speak my mind more often.
3. Buy more clothes because its what I deserve. I have to look like the fashionista

4. Become that girl who everyone enjoys being in their life.
5. Hug people more.
6.Grow my hair= long, strong, healthy
7.Never compromise my integrity
8.Have fun while learning so my educational success is greatly appreciated
9. Impact my community in such a way that change is seen in everyone an everyone's life becomes better for it...
10.....I'm not sure... i haven't yet figured it out....